Just want to thank you for the amazing night we had last night.
The intimate sharing between songwriters was really something special and I think we all benefited from having the rare opportunity to share our music but also to spend time talking and encouraging each other.
Thank you for an outstanding evening of entertainment and community.
The meal was fresh and delicious, the company friendly and performers gave their best.
Will make sure these special Up Front nights are firmly in our Calendar.
Tintenbar, you shone like a star as you gave us the last two evenings, both were fabulous events. Wonderful conversations and meeting new people, your work is awesome, a corner stone to community lives.
On Cloud 9 tonight after playing at Tintenbar. Such a great bunch of people and a very well organized original music platform . Thanks to Pete and all organisers. After making a transition from a cover musician to an original artist playing ticketed shows about 15 months ago . This is where I want to be. Where people respect an artist and make an effort to turn up to a show, pay for a ticket and buy a CD. Thank you :) DH
Thanks for having me tonight and even more for your tireless effort running such a great avenue for folks like me to have our 15 minutes of glory!
Just wanted to say thank you for such a lovely night last Friday at your gorgeous gig. As a first visit to Tintenbar Upfront I was so impressed with the whole evening, what a great committed team you must have to make that all work.
So many people come up and tell me about your venue like this little secret they are telling me about... its got such a beautiful reputation! Well done !
Thank you SO MUCH for everything, last night was amazing and a huge gust of wind for our sails. We're off for a swim and then northward. 🙂 Thanks again for all you do, your fan, Scott Cook (Canada)
Just a follow up to say a big thank-you for being a great host and helping us feel welcome.
Your attention to detail as an MC introducing me was gratifying and well crafted.
I recently played at Tintenbar Upfront and found it to be excellent!! I highly recommend it to other artist's and music lovers alike.. and of course food lovers! The town is beautiful, as are the people.
Thanks so much TUF. We really appreciate all your effort for our cause. The TUF group is an amazing ball of energy. As are all the performers who contributed.
Thanks a lot for having me back at Tintenbar the other night, it was great to see the event has gone from strength to strength — it’s a really lovely space to perform in.
It was such a pleasure to play to such an appreciative and attentive audience. Huge thanks to The TUF team for allowing us to play and for putting on such a great event. True music appreciators! M.E. Baird
Thanks All for such a wonderful gig! I had a most fabulous time :) what a lovely venue xxxx Sali Bracewell
What a pleasure it was to perform last night. I’ve got to the stage where I do less gigs these days and only want to play at places that truly appreciate music, are friendly and and easy to work with. You and the good folk of the Up Front Club are all of things and much more. So thank you! I would love to come back in 2018 to do another show if possible... M.E. Baird
Hi, I moved to Lennox 12 months ago and have been coming to TUF as often as possible. I love it!
What a fantastic fund raiser and community integrator!
I gotta say, Tintenbar Up Front is one of the best gigs going. A sweet little town, a lovely group of folks, great sound, and a place to sleep afterward, we couldn't ask for more. Thanks to Gordie Tentrees for the introduction, and to Peter Lino for linking it up. Thanks to all the kind folks who came out for the songs, and the new friends who took us for a starlit swim after the show. - Scott Cook
We will be back, had a lovely evening, great venue, and the bonus of having a really nice meal available at the show was a big plus.
"Life's most persistent & urgent question is: WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR OTHERS?" ... Martin Luther King Being part of a community where organisations thrive on helping others in need is both incredibly fortunate and truly rewarding.
Keep up the great work you are doing ... it is more important than you can imagine. Thank you.
I really love your night, what a warm and welcoming community you have created. Thank you very much.
Wow what a great thing you have done here- we enjoyed playing for such a receptive audience and would be happy to help out in any way- its great to see such a community spirited thing happening and we are really looking forward to our next performance
I do appreciate the effort you guys make to bring live music to people. It’s a wonderful opportunity. Could you convey my thanks to all involved please? It’s a lovely little hall you have, and nice to play in.
We love The Tintenbar Up Front performances and the one off music shows that you put together, its one of our highlights, thankyou so much for the time and effort that you put into it we really appreciate it.
Looking forward to some great nights again in the next year. You guys do a truly great job in organizing and bringing this to the community!
Thanks so much for a great night ...for being so warm and welcoming and enthusiastic about our music. We appreciate it muchly!
Maybe we can come and do something in the new year...
Thanks for all you are doing to help promote the arts. Loved the opening song too!
I'm about to have a facebook brag about the wonderful night we had at Tintenbar!
We really loved what you are doing there, and were most impressed by the hall, the committee, and your wonderful nature as a host. We are looking forward to keeping a connection with Tintenbar and realise what a great opportunity it provides to connect with the coastal folk.
It was such a pleasure to play in Tintenbar. We had such a great time and the audience was so cool! Thank you so much for the write up and pictures. The Bombadils
Great night last night, Feb 6, would love to see BLack Train back, maybe for all of second half, dancing and all.
Congrats go to organisers, come up trumps every month.
We would like you to know how much we have enjoyed Tintenbar Upfront gatherings, Bailey has valued every one as an important performance opportunity and your emailed evaluations of the artists performances are always generous and positive. Thank you for encouraging local performers and giving them a 'home'. We will keep in touch and wish you well for the future! And of course, have a lovely Christmas and new year! Thanks again...!
I had a fantastic night and Bev’s food was sublime, I will be back.
Thank you TUF for the donation to Camp Quality, thank you to the community for helping us to support children living with cancer in Australia
Letter from NAME WITHELD to the Northern Star, Wednesday November 19.
Nyet to the MC.
A large number of people attended the Tintenbar Up Front November gig last Friday night, overflowing the hall on to the verandah. On the program was a good mix of music, poetry and story-telling. As the MC introduced each item, he made some short, left-wing propaganda comments. His own act - a song he composed himself - consisted of praising Putin - da (yes) and so on. He finished the song with Abbott - nyet (no). After the interval, less than half the number of people were left in the hall. One wonders what sort of education he gave to the many students he taught as a high school teacher all over the Northern Rivers.
The MC replies: This is the song in question and its introduction (which was before the second last act of the evening)
"Here's a song called 'Rootin' tootin', boot scootin' Putin."
(Sung to a Russian dance song. Imagine Cossack Putin dancing and shouting "Oi!")
Vodka? Da! Ukraine? Da! Russian navy off the Australian coast? Da! Abbott? Nyet!
I came to mock Putin, not praise him.
A great night with good entertainment and food! I was part of the ukulele group.
Thanks for all the work you put into this great evening each month.
This is to thank you for all the great love and work you put into yet another really enjoyable night at Tintenbar.
Who would want to go and see a Recorder Ensemble??? Since last night - ME! I was transfixed, transported - they are delightful(I realised I know all the words of The Teddy Bears Picnic) - and the blind Maestro and his faithful hound - what can I say :) xx
The curry was the best yet - thanks Bev - and the musical accompaniment to dinner "Tintenbar Cicada Choir" was very well timed and organised. Keep up the great work - you are making many people happy!
What a great time, friendly people, really great atmosphere. Will be back soon.
I have come along many times and enjoy each and every moment.
Looking forward the next time.
Thanks again to your amazing, warm, generous and entertaining team for another fabulous night at Tintenbar. I have raved to everyone about how great the atmosphere is : actually one of the best places to tell a story that I have been to in many a year- including the National Storytelling Conference and Woodford Folk Festival which I adore. One full moon night about 18 years ago at the National Folk Festival is the last time I had suxh a perfect audience and vibe.
You all work seamlessly together to build that special feeling and I admire your persistence. Your MCeeing has a lot to do with it too. You create a great welcome which shows you are thinking about each person and welcome them so warm heartedly and THEN you listen so well during their performance that you can say something pertinent and supportive afterwards too! It is a rare skill!
I really enjoy the night at TUF. I love the community, I'm a fan of Indian cuisine and the food is outstanding and the entertainment's fun. There's a warmth and sincerity about the whole night that appeals to me. It's a great place for new performers and old alike to have a chance to perform in a concert situation where people respect the space. The audience is great and I like that it raises money for charity.
Great performances, audiences, venue and atmosphere
Some great local community entertainment for a worthy cause.
It was a local event with a country atmosphere. A cheap community night out. Will be back.
Great venue. Great opportunity for good to great artists. Great food. Nice warm country feeling. Great presentation.
I love the atmosphere and diversity of talent.
We love music. We love the Tintenbar Hall. We love the informality of Tintenbar Up Front. We love the concept of providing a venue where musicians can experience playing in front of an audience.
Good vibrations
Love playing at Tintenbar Hall. Acoustics are great and the variety of performers is always engaging.
I am in new zealand now and really should unsubscribe from your emails except my experience was so good when i attended during my holiday there that i just want to keep hearing about the schedule etc
The appeal is local yet with a surprising depth of quality in the lineups. I can only suggest to be very careful changing anything .
Enjoy the quality and diversity of the talent and love to support local artists.
This is a wonderful community venue and evening. Just keep it as it is.
It's a great night - fun, interesting and good community. The acts are only 15 min which keeps the programme interesting.
Heart warming -great for the soul - sit back, relax and enjoy!
I have only had great experiences at Tintenbar Upfront. It is such a warm and welcoming atmosphere, the Indian is delicious, the cakes sweet and the whole evening is run incredibly well.
There is very little in life that is more fulfilling and exciting than to listen to and be involved in the creation of music. It nurtures the soul. Long live Tintenbar Up Front.
I really enjoy seeing all the talent at TUF. The age range of artists is incredible and they are all put at ease by the attentive and appreciative audiences. The variety is fantastic.
Both as a performer and as a member of the audience you feel you are part of the night as a whole. Meeting and talking to members of the local community is great too. The food is most enjoyable.
I think the fact that all money raised goes to deserving charities is a great way to promote our village.
None of the above of course, would be possible without the dedicated time and effort put in by the TUF team. Thank you.
You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work. It's a fun evening and good to see our local halls utilised and local talent supported.
The venue, food, performances, and vibe are all great. Please keep up the good work.
TUF is a standout, from small things, big things grow and grow and grow. The quality and variety of the performers is wonderful. TUF has a wonderful community feel to it.
Looking forward to coming back to entertain later in the year!
It's always a great night out. Really appreciate all the hard work theTUF team put into making it such a successful event. By far the best in the Northern Rivers.
Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable night. What a lovely energy and great evening you've created! Thanks for letting us be part of it...was fun. Congrats.
Congratulations for making TUF such a great ongoing event. Much of the credit must go toward your incredibly positive attitude and great support for all the performers.
Thanks TUF Team! It was great to see the community spirit and share the evening. I really enjoyed the night and will definitely be back.
Last night was fantastic!! Loved it and I will be back. Great food, fantastic lineup of acts and loved the dancing. Congratulations on a great year of TUF.
I am hearing really good things in the community about what is happening at them all.
The Club Lennox fundraiser, Homegrown, powered by Tintenbar Up Front was a huge success and a fantastic night for everyone involved.
The performers were an eclectic mix in styles and standards from quality professionals to nervous amateurs just having a go. The Lennox Community Centre held over 250 people and they just kept coming all night.
And while the performers entertaining the audience shone, gigs like this don’t just happen without a team effort led out front and pulled together by such a committed organiser like Peter Lino of Tintenbar Up Front!!!
- See more at: http://lennoxwave.com/community-notices/homegrown-warms-hearts/
I think last night was one of the best so far. There were little gems in every act.
Love seeing and listening to all the talented performers. Great to enjoy with such a warm and welcoming audience. If you haven't been yet, you are missing out on some really fantastic entertainment! Keep up the great work in organising these nights, they are very much appreciated!
Attended my first tintenbar upfront last night and loved every minute! Thanks for organising such a lovely community focused event! Can't wait for the next one.
Thank you so much for having us play at Tintenbar Upfront last night. We really enjoyed ourselves and we hope to be back soon. Just a message to let you know you guys are really doing a great job out there, and it's really an inspiration to see how much effort you put into the show for everyone!
There was a great variety of talented local muso's giving it their all... I was absolutely stunned at the calibre of musicianship.
It was great fun again....
The monthly Upfront is really growing, if you haven't been don't miss it.
It was a fun night had by all ! Will be back for seconds :)
Thank you for providing such a friendly and entertaining event for the locals.
Last night was fantastic!! Loved it and I will be back. Great food, fantastic lineup of acts and loved the dancing. Congratulations on a great year of TUF.
I am hearing really good things in the community about what is happening at them all.
The Club Lennox fundraiser, Homegrown, powered by Tintenbar Up Front was a huge success and a fantastic night for everyone involved.
The performers were an eclectic mix in styles and standards from quality professionals to nervous amateurs just having a go. The Lennox Community Centre held over 250 people and they just kept coming all night.
And while the performers entertaining the audience shone, gigs like this don’t just happen without a team effort led out front and pulled together by such a committed organiser like Peter Lino of Tintenbar Up Front!!!
- See more at: http://lennoxwave.com/community-notices/homegrown-warms-hearts/
I think last night was one of the best so far. There were little gems in every act.
Love seeing and listening to all the talented performers. Great to enjoy with such a warm and welcoming audience. If you haven't been yet, you are missing out on some really fantastic entertainment! Keep up the great work in organising these nights, they are very much appreciated!
Attended my first tintenbar upfront last night and loved every minute! Thanks for organising such a lovely community focused event! Can't wait for the next one.
Thank you so much for having us play at Tintenbar Upfront last night. We really enjoyed ourselves and we hope to be back soon. Just a message to let you know you guys are really doing a great job out there, and it's really an inspiration to see how much effort you put into the show for everyone!
There was a great variety of talented local muso's giving it their all... I was absolutely stunned at the calibre of musicianship.
It was great fun again....
The monthly Upfront is really growing, if you haven't been don't miss it.
It was a fun night had by all ! Will be back for seconds :)
Thank you for providing such a friendly and entertaining event for the locals.